Show my IPv6 IP

My latest success was the setup of a working IPv6 site that tells you which IP you are connecting from and if it is an IPv6 IP address. After requesting a subnet from the BT Exact Tunnel Broker, a service that I mentioned earlier in my IPv6 intro post, my laptop is now IPv6 enabled.

IPv6 screenshot

The above screenshot is the result from which tells you if you are IPv6 enabled and what your IP address is (plus some additional info). My location shows up as United Kingdom (GB) due to the IPs belonging to the BT service, but it should be accurate once the World’s ISPs (and users) have shifted to IPv6 (still pretty far off).

For the backend, I reused my Python script from and didn’t really have to make much changes. Even the whois lookup worked fine (though it does get stuck at certain times).

I haven’t tested this with any host other than my laptop so please let me know if the results aren’t what you expected.

One thought on “Show my IPv6 IP

  1. I haven’t try it yet, but I do interesting with IPV6. However, I have heard from my colleague that a new standard for internet protocol will soon appear (although this is only a rumor). Oh, you’re Python programmer.. That is cool bro… Alright, it’s the time for me to go to

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