May 30, 2007April 15, 2024General IPv6 Some people are treating it as another buzzword that goes right up there with synergy and others are reluctant to look past […]
May 29, 2007April 15, 2024General More PKNIC screwups Once again, one of Pakistan’s biggest ISP has fallen victim to the anathema that is PKNIC. It was just over a month […]
May 28, 2007April 15, 2024General Test your Geography Found this great geography test recently that is meant for children, but should be pretty tough (as well as educational) for adults. […]
May 18, 2007April 15, 2024General Darkness in central part of the capital It has been almost 3 hours since the power failure and we still have no clue when it will be back up. […]
May 17, 2007April 15, 2024General NYSE migrates to IBM and Linux The New York Stock Exchange is going live today with the first phase of its migration to IBM’s p servers running AIX, […]
May 15, 2007April 15, 2024General Port 25 blocking and ISPs in Pakistan Block everyone’s email? A few days ago, we did the unthinkable (at least unthinkable for Pakistan). We (as in Dancom’s network operations […]
May 12, 2007April 15, 2024General Terror in Karachi What was starting to look like a circus now seems to be turning into a small-scale war. Ever since the country’s top […]
May 10, 2007April 15, 2024General Web proxies and web proxy blog Though it isn’t my main area of concern, ever since I started my own proxy, I have been looking more and more […]
May 3, 2007April 15, 2024General Website bandwidth usage and PHP optimization Though the traffic on my blog has steadily increased, it is nothing (yet) that would warrant the need to optimize the site […]
May 1, 2007April 15, 2024General Meaning of Mayday 1st of May, a public holiday that is also known as May Day. The first thing that came to my mind was […]