August 13, 2003April 16, 2024General Riz’s Car vs the Tree A friend of mine crashed his car into a tree last night. It (the car not the tree) probably won’t run again, […]
August 10, 2003April 16, 2024General Mission Statement and Vanguard Flashbacks I’m in the office on a Sunday working on a mission statement for iinix‘s profile. Have quite a few ideas and the […]
August 3, 2003April 16, 2024General Blogshares Webring Found this by accident when instead of auto-completing the URL, Galeon passed “blogshares” onto Google: Oh, and I’m worth about B$250 […]
July 31, 2003April 16, 2024General I Miss O’Reilly Books The used/reprinted books market here is huge. Lots of relatively small bookshops near one another. The books are very cheap, but its […]
July 31, 2003April 16, 2024Tech 24Hour Connectivity Finally have a reliable 24-hour dialup from World Online (WOL). It costs about Rs.2,000 (~4,000 yen) per month, plus phone charges (you […]
July 30, 2003April 16, 2024General Oops, left out the URL for iinix Looks ok on Galeon, Opera and Mozilla, but I’ve heard the formatting is wrong on IE5 or worse.
July 30, 2003April 16, 2024General Welcome to iinix Solutions As you may have noticed, this is my first blog entry in more than 3 weeks. Connectivity problems aside, it was mostly […]
July 3, 2003April 16, 2024General Pakistani Government and Linux This should fit in nicely with what I am planning to do with my company, though looking at the present state of […]
July 1, 2003April 16, 2024General Company Name Trying to think of a name for my company. Didn’t think it would be this difficult.
June 26, 2003April 16, 2024General Dante’s Inferno Test How good are you? The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell! Here is how you matched […]